29 Stops on 29: Century (part 3 of 3)

  • November 30, 2014
  • /   Mollye Barrows
  • /   video
The Town of Century has a lot to offer when it comes to land, people willing to work, and potential as a transportation hub with its access to main arteries like Interstates 10 and 65. [sidebar] U.S. 29: First stop, Century Follow our journey on U.S. 29. Watch part one of the Century story here. Watch part two of the Century story here. [/sidebar] The historic community is the first stop on our journey to make “29 Stops on 29.” This is the final story in a series of reports on the tiny town, as it struggles to survive. As Pensacola Today’s Mollye Barrows and Photojournalist Michael Spooneybarger report, there is hope for those who are willing to make the most of the resources Century does have.
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